We are waiting for talented people to work with JJ Tools.

Recruitment Inquiry

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스팸방지를 위해 위쪽에 보이는 보안코드를 입력해주세요.
개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의
The items of personal information to be collected, the purpose of collection and use of personal information, and the period of retention and use of personal information are provided, so please read carefully before agreeing. Purpose of collection and use - Consultation reception and processing - For storage of processing history - Check for duplicate consultations Items (Required) Company name, contact person name, position, contact number, email Storage period Use until the end of the business (however, delete it upon request)
You may refuse to collect and use the above personal information, but if you refuse to consent, you will not be able to receive counseling. Your consultation details are kept for smooth consultation and are processed according to the privacy policy posted on the website.

개인정보취급방침에 대하여 모두 동의하십니까?(보기)
